The Autowatch Marker 90 system is an independent LED reverse parking aid that is specifically designed for use on 7 tonne rigid bodied lorries and HGV trailers to assist the driver when reversing. The system helps prevent accidental damage and injuries.
The Marker90 is unlike the conventional reversing systems or cameras that would have a buzzer or monitor fitted in the cab of the vehicle which is wired from front to back or in some cases wireless. This is a problem on HGV trailers as these systems are paired to a specific tractor unit or system and do not work unless coupled with a matching system.
The wireless systems are also prone to RF interference in many areas and high maintenance costs. The Marker90 system is completely independent of the cab as the entire system is installed at the back of the truck or trailer and is powered by the reverse light. This always ensures the benefits of the Marker90 when reversing. This is ideal for fleet operators that use a drop-off pick-up system or that use trailers or contractors as the system always works irrespectively.
Parking Sensor Systems are electronic guidance and warning systems that assist with safe reversing and also parking with ease and confidence. AUTOWATCH offers a comprehensive range of professional systems to suit the majority of vehicles at affordable prices. Parking Sensor Systems utilise a set of sensors (eye) that can be fitted to the rear or front bumpers of the vehicle. AUTOWATCH offer a range of sensors to suit most vehicle installation requirements.
AUTOWATCH Parking Sensors Systems utilise ultrasonic technology. The (eyes) sense the proximity of an object up to1.5 meters away from the rear or front of the vehicle and compute the exact position of the object.